Fire Risk Assessment providers in Bristol, North Somerset and the wider UK
In the UK, a fire risk assessment is a legal requirement for almost all types of premises. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 mandates that the Responsible Person (RP) of non-domestic premises must carry out a fire risk assessment to reduce or eliminate the risk of fire and identify persons at risk
Fire Risk Assessments
Risk Advice
Fire Incident Management
We take the stress out of risk assessment
At FirePro Risk Management & Training Ltd, we understand that your business and your premises are unique, meaning that your risk profile is also unique.
Our risk assessors' holistic approach always takes this into account and provides you with an assessment that is specifically tailored to your business.
With user-friendly reports, we provide you with:
Clear concise findings
Actionable guidance that makes sense
Links to relevant legislation
Ongoing assistance and guidance

We can help
The responsibility of performing a Fire Risk Assessment and ensuring the safety of colleagues can be daunting for many.
This is where FirePro Risk Management & Training Ltd can help. We can take this pressure from you and conduct a meticulous, legally compliant risk assessment on your behalf.​​​​
​​ Why do you need a Fire Risk Assessment?​
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 makes completing a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) a legal requirement for business.
The FSO applies to all workplaces and the common parts of buildings containing two or more domestic premises. It places legal duties on anyone in control of these premises (the Responsible Person - usually the owner or landlord) to undertake and record a fire risk assessment and put in place and maintain general fire precautions.
A FRA is required to ensure any fire risks are identified within a business and ensures that people are kept safe. It must be carried out regularly and, when there are more than five people occupying a building or within a business, a written record of each assessment must be kept.

The assessment process
What is considered in a Fire Risk Assessment?​
Amongst other things, the assessment will determine:
Potential fire hazards
Ignition sources​
Fire loading
Fire spread mitigation
Fire warning systems
Fire fighting equipment
Emergency evacuation routes/exits
Appropriate training
People at risk
The FRA can assist the responsible person to consider and develop a fire evacuation plan.​

What are the risks of not managing your fire risk?
Property damage
This is the cost of damage to properties as a result of, fire, water, and smoke damage following a fire incident. It includes direct damage to the property itself from the incident, and also wider associated damages, such as to contents, stock, machinery, and business interruption.
Physical and emotional harm
This is the reduction in the quality of life of those who are victims of fire. It includes direct physical and emotional harms from injuries, fatalities, and potential emotional harm suffered by those who are rescued from fires.
Reputational damage
This cost is not specifically measurable, but the impact cannot be underestimated.
Lost output
The cost of lost output as a result of fires is split into 2 broad categories. The first is lost output following property damage in businesses, which could stop individuals from being able to work and lead to unemployment. The second category comes from victims of fire, which causes lost productivity when individuals take time off work and/or are unable to work, and potentially reduced productivity whilst at work following injuries.
Insurance costs and administration
The result of a fire of any size will have an impact on the procurement and acceptance of business insurance, and at the least may result in a significant increase in premiums.
Environmental cost and impact
This includes the cost to society of carbon emissions from fires, the reduction in air quality from fires, and also the cost of environmental damage from firefighting measures undertaken to extinguish significant fires.
External costs - Health services costs
This is the cost to health services in dealing with the physical and emotional harms of fire. These are mainly based on NHS unit costs of treatment, and include ambulance costs, medical procedure costs associated with physical harms, and counselling costs associated with emotional harms.
Wider information and financial analysis of the affect of fire damage is available from the UK government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/economic-and-social-cost-of-fire/economic-and-social-cost-of-fire
FirePro Risk Management & Training Ltd, your trusted partner in the development of fire risk assessments across Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Bath & North East Somerset (B&NES) and the wider UK.​

Fire Incident Management
Do you know how to respond should a fire occur? What information will the emergency services require? What will they expect you to do?
As a business, pre-planning in association with you fire risk assessment is essential.
Reduce your downtime, reduce your fire risk and reduce the potential risk of litigation.
Call us today to speak with our experts in fire incident management.